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LINDY祝大家聖誕節快樂!  2024/12/24發表

LINDY祝大家農曆年新年快樂!  2024/01/7發表

(春節期間2月8日-2月14日 ,將於2月15恢復上班)

LINDY祝大家聖誕節快樂!  2023/12/24發表

LINDY祝大家新年快樂!  2023/01/20發表

(春節期間1月20日-1月29日 ,將於1月30恢復上班)

LINDY祝大家聖誕節快樂!  2022/12/24發表

東南科技大學傳說對決電競菁英盃大賽報名即日起開始!  2022/11/30發表


正修科大競化盃報名開始!  2022/10/04發表


新竹縣「菁Power玩起來」週末登場!  2022/09/28發表


台南市電競爭霸戰!  2022/07/19發表


雲林縣電競派對新魅力!  2022/06/23發表


雲林縣電競派對登場!  2022/06/09發表


嘉義市反毒電子競技賽開跑!  2022/06/08發表


LINDY祝大家新年快樂,萬事大吉!  2022/01/28發表

(春節期間1月29日-2月6日 ,將於2月7恢復上班)

LINDY盃英雄聯盟電競冠亞賽賽事報導  2021/12/28發表


LINDY盃英雄聯盟電競賽再次登場!  2021/11/15發表


台中多項點競賽登場!  2021/07/15發表



感動人心的,LINDY盃英雄聯盟林帝菁英電競賽  2020/12/28發表



LINDY林帝成立新購物網  2020/09/10發表



LINDY參加歐洲 ISE展  2020/02/20發表



LINDY形象廣告影片  2020/01/30發表



LINDY祝大家新年快樂!  2020/01/22發表

LINDY祝大家聖誕節快樂!  2019/12/24發表

LINDY林帝 x Eclife良興旗艦櫃位報導  2019/08/14發表



LINDY祝大家2019豬年新年快樂!  2019/01/31發表


LINDY產品獲Google認證採用!  2018/10/29發表



德國品牌LINDY 的USB週邊產品經Google公司所指定的實驗室測試認證,

正式成為Hangouts Meet 專案的選用硬體配件。

Hangouts Meet 專案指定硬體配件清單如下:



全台首間LINDY 旗艦店開幕!2018/10/09發表



Thunderbolt 3 新一代的聰明連結!2018/08/30發表



THUNDERBOLT 3 風暴即將來襲!2018/08/15發表


LINDY專業光電混合HDMI 2.0延長線在PRIME AV!2018/08/08發表



LINDY 祝大家父親節快樂! 2018/08/08發表


Lindy 產品及行銷主管共同闡述New Cable Lines 的設計理念.   2018/06/22發表


InAVate Advertorial Q&A with Cable Design.

Owen Haigh, Head of Global Product Management and Christian Westenhöfer, Head of Global Marketing & Brand Management from Lindy speak about the process and creation of the new cable connectivity concept from Lindy. Cable Lines offers a range of cables segmented into four colour variants of Black, Anthra, Cromo and Gold across a range of environments.




LINDY 正式推出GOLD LINE 頂級線材   2018/06/14發表



世界知名的多元連接及專業影音/資通訊產品品牌Lindy正式推出Gold Line HDMI 及DP 1.4 線材系列. 這些產品視為高端Ultra HD 應用所設計, 因此對訊號傳輸的可靠性是絕對不妥協!   由於Ultra HD 訊號傳輸的資料量非常大, 高達33.2 mega pixels (8K), Lindy 的高品質線材能完美無瑕地傳送所有訊號.


Lindy 的Gold Line HDMI 線材能傳輸高達32.4 gbps 的資料(依實際線材的長度及型式可能會有差異). 這象徴其傳輸質量已達高端影音的境界.


“4K 甚至8K 的內容是未來影音產業的趨勢. 愈來愈多的設備, 例如4K投影機, 4K 藍光播放機, 數位看板伺服器, 展覽看板, 零售, 廣告或控制台等, 這些設備都需要穩定的訊號傳輸. Lindy 新的Gold Line DisplayPort 和HDMI線材能為這些需求穩定傳輸的場合忠實地傳輸高頻寬訊號” Lindy 的行銷及品牌主管Mr. Christian Westenhofer補充說明.


Gold Line 線材全部選用24AWG OFC 導體以確保最佳的保限及抗腐蝕, 同時接點及接頭全部採用24K鍍金. 除此之外, 高品質的銅編織網可保護線材免於有害的電磁波干擾, 藉以達到訊號的完整性及可靠性.   至於線材最重要的衰減, Lindy 則採用特殊的設計, 以讓所有Gold Line 線材在長距離的傳輸達到低衰減率, 讓訊號的傳輸更可靠及穩定.


此次Lindy推出的Gold Line 系列是全新推出的線材系列中重要的一環, 其代表Lindy 對品質的毫不妥協! Gold Line 為Lindy 線材系列最高檔的產品, 適用於最高端及專業的環境, 讓用戶無可挑剔. Lindy 線材共有四個系列: Gold Line, Cromo Line, Antra Line 及 Black Line, 用戶可根據其運用環境及預算選擇合適的產品線.

Lindy 集團發布新的人事命令: Mr. Elia Lupi 為歐洲區業務主管, 並同時任命Mr. Reto Scaramuzza 為瑞士市場的主要客戶經理   2018/06/12發表



Mannheim, ## May 2018

Lindy, a global supplier of connectivity solutions and a leader in the professional IT and AV sector, has appointed Elia Lupi to be its first Head of European Sales. This move will support the Lindy Group’s efforts to win more market share in Europe while also expanding worldwide. In the context of strategically realigning its activities in Switzerland, Lindy has also designated Reto Scaramuzza as its Key Account Manager for that country.

“At Lindy, all of the signs are pointing to growth. We are pleased to welcome Elia Lupi and Reto Scaramuzza to our firm. Both of them are capable leaders with immense experience and expertise. They will be tasked with running our Europe-wide sales activities even more vigorously within the context of our global corporate and expansion strategies while continuing to work with our Swiss distributors to strengthen our position in that country’s market, which is very important to us”, says Peter Lindenberg, Managing Director of LINDY-Elektronik GmbH and CEO of the LINDY Group.


Elia Lupi: Head of European Sales

As the Head of European Sales, Elia Lupi will be based at Lindy’s sales branch in Milan, Italy and serve as an important liaison between the managing directors and the sales teams across Europe while assuming overall responsibility for the latter. His main functions will include expanding sales activities in Europe and implementing Lindy’s global corporate strategy at European level, developing markets and new customers, leading and coordinating the European branches and scaling up the firm’s sales strategy while harmonising processes in close cooperation with the regional sales teams.

Lupi draws on many years of prior experience in sales, product management and change management at European level. He also possesses considerable experience and technical expertise in electronics and telecommunications. Lupi holds a university degree in electrical engineering and previously spent 12 years at Panasonic Italia, where he was in charge of sales in Italy as the country manager and, from 2014, also assumed responsibility for that firm’s Central and Eastern European markets.

“Elia possesses extensive sales experience, knows the European market well and is passionate about our products. He’s exactly the right person to shoulder the considerable responsibilities of this position”, states Peter Lindenberg.

“Lindy is a strong, bold brand with a diverse product portfolio. With its innovative combined connectivity solutions, it is playing a major role in important new trends that are poised to shape future digital communications and drive technological change. I’m happy to have this opportunity to help consolidate Lindy’s market position in cooperation with the local sales branches”, says Elia Lupi, Head of European Sales at Lindy.


Reto Scaramuzza: Key Account Manager for Sales in Switzerland

As the Key Account Manager for Switzerland, Reto Scaramuzza will be responsible for coordinating and supporting the firm of ALSO Schweiz AG, which distributes Lindy products. A sales professional through and through, he will also proactively work with our most important retail partners, Digitec and Bechtle, to expand our business in the important Swiss market. Scaramuzza will leverage his many years of experience in business development and working with and coordinating distributors to generate good results.

Scaramuzza was previously with Distributor Secomp AG in the role of Key Account Manager for distributors, e-tail and e-commerce as well as for business development. Before that he spent four years each as an Account Manager at DICOTA Schweiz AG and Swisscom AG, at the latter with responsibility for B2B sales of telecommunications solutions.

“I launched my career as an AV technician, so I’m quite familiar with the practical requirements in this field. And I’m therefore delighted to now be part of the team behind the innovative Lindy brand of IT and AV products”, says Reto Scaramuzza, Lindy’s new Key Account Manager for Switzerland.

LINDY 超質GOLD系列HDMI 2.0在PRIME AV!2018/05/15發表





LINDY 祝大家新年快樂! 2018/01/01發表



LINDY 聖誕活動送好禮! 2017/12/20發表



LINDY 祝大家中秋節快樂!2017/10/04發表



LINDY 祝大家新年快樂! 2017/1/18發表



LINDY抗噪耳機 @ 時間市集App, 歡迎點擊進入好文分享~  2016/8/15發表



2016荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 ISE 專業展,歡迎來找LINDY!  2016/2/9發表



LINDY祝大家猴年行大運!  2016/2/6發表



LINDY祝大家聖誕節快樂!  2015/12/24發表



LINDY 是最強的 4K 週邊產品品牌商,歡迎大家洽詢!  2015/10/2發表



印尼也買的到LINDY商品囉!  2015/9/18發表



LINDY 在日本已經展出了8K電視牆產品創新的科技讓電視螢幕更大更清晰,

LINDY定義創新為動力 推出一系列4K應對產品 讓您用的開心,

請持續關注LINDY粉絲團 即將有新活動推出 請粉絲們盡請期待。  2015/06發表。

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